Whether you're putting a condom on for first time or the 500th time, there could be a couple of things you've overlooked - a few mistakes you've missed or didn't even know about...
After all, what is the right way to put on a condom?
When used correctly, condoms are approximately 98% effective as a form of birth contol, however, the more mistakes you make, the more this percentage rate begins to tumble.
To keep you as safely protected from STIs and unwanted pregnancy as possible, SHD will guide you through the most frequently made condom-related mistakes out there!
#1. You're Not Wearing One
It may come as a surprise but 10% of sexually active 16 to 24-year-olds have never used a condom according to a YouGove poll. It goes without saying, but failure to use a condom at all puts you at the risk of catching and spreading STIs and other sex-related diseases, as well as actively upping your chances of unwanted pregnancy. Whenever you're engaging in intercourse with a new partner, always stay protected and use a condom.
#2. You're Not Unrolling It Properly
There's not unrolling a condom enough and unrolling it the wrong way - the latter we'll tackle later. When putting on a condom it needs to be unrolled to the base of the penis, not halfway down or halfway up, this will prevent condoms from falling off or becoming 'lost' inside your partner.
#3. You're Not Using Lubrication/The Correct Lubrication
Lack of lubrication or the wrong type of lubrication can not only make sex way less pleasurable than it should be
Between 16 and 25.8% of people reported using condoms without lubrication. The trouble? If you’re having sex for an extended period of time, the condom is more likely to tear without lubrication.
#4. You're Putting A Condom On During Sex
To avoid pregnancy and STIs, condoms should be put on prior to any sexual intercourse or genital contact - putting a condom on at the last possible moment will simply put you and your partner at more risk.
#5. You're Not Wearing The Right Condom For You
If you're a little turned off by them or just straight up hate condoms, it could be that you're simply wearing the wrong type or design for you. There are literally hundreds of unique shapes, sizes, thicknesses, textures, flavours and colours of condoms to choose from on SHD Medical. If you want to find that tailored fit, go to our sexual health section and use the filters to find your perfect match.
#6. You're Wearing It Inside Out
How do you tell if a condom is inside out? Condoms are often stored the right way up in their wrapper, facing the logo. Once you take it out you can always make sure by checking that the rim is on the outside - the condom should sit in your hand looking like a sombrero hat. If you realise you've put it on the wrong way while you're rolling it down, take it off, discard it and apply a new one.
#7. You're Not Checking For Quality
Is it in-date? Has it expired? Are there rips and abrasions on the packaging or the condom itself? Has it been sat on in your wallet for the past 5 years? Something we rarely do is check for quality - if in doubt, use a new condom.
#8. You're Storing Them Incorrectly
Correct storage limits the chance of breakage and keeps you as safe as possible during sex. Condoms like to be kept in cool, dry places, away from direct sunlight, heat, sharp objects or moisture. Bedside tables are a great form of storage, however, keeping your condom in a wallet is not recommended - we would suggest replacement every month to be on the safe side.
#9. You're Getting Air Trapped In Your Condom
Before putting your condom onto your erection, pinch the tip of the condom to prevent any air from getting stuck in the condom as you roll it down. This will reduce the chance of breakages occurring during sex.
#10. You're Reusing Them
Condoms are a one use form of contraceptive so always wear a new one at the beginning of each round of sex and don't attempt to put a condom back on your penis if it has fallen off or after the penis has gone flaccid.